Tuesday 10 July 2007

Tony Seruga and the Build a Better Business Program, the All I Want Is Traffic scheme and other Ventures

It's been a while since our first post.

Here's your opportunity to provide an update on your experiences with Tony Seruga, Rick Duris, Yolly Seruga and Yolanda Seruga.

What has been your experience with the Build a Better Business (BABB) Program?

Did you get anything from the All I Want Is Traffic (AIWIT) scheme that he ran in January 2007?

Or were you one of his previous customers in The Millionaires Club (TMC)?

What are your views on Tony Seruga?


Anonymous said...

As way of encouragement, just to let you know that I'm pursuing Tony Seruga for a chargeback for the BABB program and the AIWIT fiasco too.

It's just plain wrong what he did. He acted like Mr Big Time shooting his mouth off with his massive promises of seven figure businesses and unlimited traffic.

In the end it was ALL hot air. I regret the day I ever heard the name Tony Seruga and the BABB program. If I don't ever see him again it won't be a day too soon.

I've wasted over a year waiting on this guy to deliver - only to be let bitterly disappointed.

I'll chalk this one up to experience but my advice is that if Tony Seruga offers you a deal and it seems too goog to be true - then it probably is.

If you're paying this man any money at all, e.g. via Maverick Real Estate or the Property Scout Business my advice is to get out now before he takes any more of your money.

Tony Seruga is full of hot air and empty promises. He even doesn't follow through on his threat to fine you $7,500 for requesting a chargeback.

Anonymous said...

Regarding that $7500 clause Tony Seruga the scam artist conveniently added after the fact, I was talking to MC/VISA today about it, and I showed them the clause, and the comment from the guy was "I thought I had seen about every term and condition clause there was, but this one tops them all. I have never seen such an abusive clause. There is no way this will be allowed by MC or VISA"

He then proceeded to do a search online and found this blog, and he was dumbfounded at the level of deception and dissatisfaction he saw in so many clients of Tony Seruga.

He also said that no matter what the clause says, no one can take people’s money, and not deliver a product or service, and expect to get away with keeping the money.

Plus, for the clause to hold up in court, he has to prove we signed a contract agreeing to it. How can he do that? It doesn't show up in any of his sales material, or on the sales letter or order form.

It's just another one of his intimidation tactics to scare you away from demanding a refund for his total lack of performance per the contract.

Anonymous said...


your apology is not accepted.

You PHRASED your recommendation of Tony Seruga with this...


If he WAS INDEED your good friend, you are like him. Guilt by association...GOOD FRIEND association.

Being CHICKEN to speak up - well, WHY NOT? Sherman Hu sent an email saying that he REMOVED his recommendation of Tony once he found out something about him - and that PROBABLY was that he didn't pay his affiliates.

Whatever his motives...at LEAST he sent the email. You did not. You did NOTHING.

That cost me 11 grand.


You had MOST of us on one of your other lists. You COULD have sent a message to EVERYONE on your lists WARNING people about doing business with Tony Seruga.

You did not.

You also talk about having been KICKED OUT of the deal once you found out he was a scam artist.

From what I recall about your initial solicitation, you stated that you would NOT be apart of this deal.

Hummm...that means you LIED!!!

Shining stars in your eyes regarding the money....now THAT I believe. I THOUGHT you were SUPPOSED to be so RICH? Hummm...

How many of your recommendations have been for something that was just a smokescreen, something to put money into your pocket???

There's a fiery warm place a waitin' for you...

I'm sure you'll see Tony there too.

You than can have a CHAT about all the suckers you ripped off.

Can't spend any of that money in hell....

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, those of us that used PayPal will have not only wasted time and money, but we cannot get our money back either.

I for one would have NOT done business with him EXCEPT he came highly recommended as someone who could deliver. Just look at the list of people who were in this deal - some of whom got out or were THROWN out.

This list included Rebecca Fine, Ryan Diess and Richard East. An impressive group - all taken in by this guy on the recommendation of someone allegedly credible.

Chip Tarver VOuCHED for him after taking down posts on the board because other marketers started openly promoting someone else.

He vouched for him over and over again. Chip...your dead wife is now rolling over in her grave. How could you have stooped so low?

Or is this a case of blind hero worship?

Druv is just a hired hand. I doubt he knew anything about what was really going on - or cared.

Yolly Seruga and Yolanda Seruga - you are just as guilty. While other RAVED about your canned content, reading to ADULTS on a webinar, I just said, OH GROAN.

Chis Luck - C'mon now. I don't care what anyone says...you should NOT have been teaching anything you hadn't done and built out yourself.

That CASH LIKE CLOCKWORK system was NOTHING new - just an reiteration of what Frank Kern, Ed Dale and a whole slew of others have done with product creation and Adwords - it had NOTHING to do with EMPIRE BUILDING - which is what this was all to be about!

And the Property Scout scam - hummm - first you wanted to pay BIRD DOGS for submitting deals. Then you quickly GOT RID of that. So why would ANYONE submit a deal that they did the research on, all the footwark, and never get paid for their time?

If there is REALLY a Maverick REI, well, ALL of them have to be people of LOW CHARACTER...which means STAY AWAY from them and guard your check book!

How many MLM scammers have gone to jail for running a ponzi scheme? Several I know of.

Isn't THIS is latest in his ponzi empire?

I hope Bubba find a warm spot for him in the slammer.

Anonymous said...

I agree that Keith Baxter is at least partially to blame and should be help liable for part of all our losses. For him to say that he too was a victim may be true, but his initial solicitation led us all to beleive that he had worked with Tony in the past and that he was recommending Tony.

The he says after the fact that he really didn't know him.

Well that means he lied in his initial sales letter to us. In my book, a lie is a lie, and that makes him guilty also.

Then I think of the conference call where Keith and Tony were buddy buddy. It was just two opportunists trying to make a quick buck. It makes me sick.

Shame on you Keith Baxter. I guarantee I will never listen to your advice again on any topic.

Anonymous said...

All I can do is apologize.

If I knew what was to come from this, do you REALLY THINK I (or anyone for that matter) would recommend it?

I met the accused at a high level mastermind meeting and was impressed just as you were. I based my recommendation on that.

I've been sent a cease and desist, so I can't comment on the accused.

But I will address accusations made at me.

If you want to discuss this over the phone or via email, my information is as follows:

Phone - 281-358-7560
Email - keith@modernclick.com

I'm not hiding here and I welcome an adult conversation about this.


Anonymous said...

Readers should be aware that Tony and Yolanda Seruga are now going by the alias Tony and Yolanda Michaels.

Their latest website is http://digitalbillions.com

Anonymous said...

I got nailed for $2500 - there were massive delays with the company I was waiting to promote, and by the time my 6 month deadline was up to use the AIWIT 50,000 promised visitor deal, I found out the whole thing was criminal. Too late.

I don't remember which guru gave me the confidence in Tony Seruga, whether it was Keith or someone else.

I'd love to see Tony try to nail me with any kind of "lawsuit" for speaking out or asking for a refund. Good grief.

Scott Covert
The former "Banner Ad King"
(yep, I still use 'em)
705 749 twotwotwo5
scovert1 at cogeco dot ca

Anonymous said...

Its 2009 and i remember the BABB Tony Seruga Scam up till now. Especially the AWAIT program was totally laughable!

I rember this, because I have been in other coaching programs since the BABB training.

I know want to warn everyone to do any business with Anthony Seruga or Yolanda Seruga alias: Tony and Yolanda Michaels.

I was impressed with BABB but in retrospective: it was a joke and it was a scam.

Even I have profited with the program - it was totally overpaid and "Tony Michaels" did not deliver!

Enough said.

We are responsible to make that Scam Artist never suceed again ripping off people.

Anonymous said...

Informations ?

Anonymous said...

Tony Seruga's SSN is 574-73-8569 can use it.

Anonymous said...

On Jan 16 1998 Tony Seruga stole from my home $2,320.00. I just found an old business card of his from Genastar Productions in Costa Mesa. His position described as Capital Acquisition. A police report was filed with San Bernardino County Sheriffs' Dept. but he is a slippery as shole but never was caught. He really needs to be where he can no longer do this kind of thing to people.